The following committees, along with elected leadership, comprise the structure of the Maryland Emergency Management Association.
This group oversees the organization’s financial processes, ensuring accuracy, transparency, and compliance with all regulatory standards.
Patrick Fleming & Michaela Salem Seabrease
This group manages the nomination and selection process for recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions within the field, such as Emergency Manager of the Year and Projects of the Year.
Charae Davis & Todd Tracey
This committee reviews existing bylaws and addresses concerns, proposes changes, and oversees the change process.
Michaela Salem Seabrease
This committee monitors legislation at the state and federal level to report out potential impacts for Emergency Managers in the state of Maryland.
Chris Meyd & Netta Squires
This group oversees strategies to promote the association’s mission, events, and initiatives, ensuring effective outreach and engagement with the community.
Wyatt Peters & Jerred Johnson
This group oversees the approval process of those applying for the Maryland Professional Emergency Management Program (MDPEMP) Certification.
The Maryland Professional Emergency Management Program (MDPEMP) certification is awarded to Association members who have met the requirements as outlined within the application packet including two (2) years of full-time work experience as an emergency management practitioner working for the betterment of Maryland. The certification is a professional certification for members and is recognized by the International Association of Emergency Management (IAEM) as a credential for those applying or recertifying for their Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) or Associate Emergency Manager (AEM).
Michelle Lloyd
This group oversees the nomination and election process at the annual symposium where all elected offices are voted upon.
Alex Cardella
This committee works to review, evaluate, and vote on which scholarship applications are approved.
Kara Buckmaster
This group oversees several sub-committees that are responsible for all facets of planning our Annual Emergency Management and Homeland Security Symposium.
Kristin Dietz & Jo Fogell